Use The Holidays To Put A Little More Joy In Your Cash Drawer
Regardless of your age or position in life, we are looking forward to the holidays. They give us a reason to decorate, celebrate and most importantly, spend.
Think about any of last year's holidays. Did you buy any new decorations? Probably. Have you organized a party or organized a dinner? Likely. Have you bought gifts or used special offers and promotions? No doubt!
Well, instead of spending the end of the holidays this year, why not reverse course and launch promotion of your own? Especially during the autumn and winter holidays, people are cheerful, cheerful and a little more willing to open their wallets. Of course, no honest person wants to blatantly take advantage of people and their money, but for those ready to buy, why not take advantage of the season by giving them a special treat?
If you have a physical store, why not have a house open during the holidays? Obviously, these events are more common from Halloween to New Year, but have you ever thought about throwing this kind of party in your store on the 4th of July? Advertise free drinks, music, and freebies and people will come in droves no matter what vacation it is. At the very least, you'll enjoy keeping others entertained, and you'll likely get a lot of upsells. If hosting such a party requires you to stay open a little later, why not? After all, it's always the season to please.
If your business has its only location on the internet, add some Christmas touches to your website. Try decorating it with lights, fireworks, or other festive treats. Play Christmas music or offer Christmas sounds or free screensavers for those passing by (if you do, you may want to register your download site with search engines to make sure people can find it). People love to decorate their home or office computers with the free things they find online, so why not join the club?
Another great way to use the holidays for marketing is to send greeting cards to current and past customers. Wish them happy holidays and thank them for their work. If possible, ask them to hand sign for a personal touch. Make sure your company logo appears somewhere on the card. During the holiday season, why not buy some attractive but inexpensive tree ornaments or other decorations and print them with a scaled-down version of your company logo? Offer them free to buyers or sell them over the counter (or on your site) for a ridiculously low price. People tend to store and collect decorations over the years, so your inexpensive little ornament is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Whether it's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, or the Ant Farm harvest, the holidays are a great opportunity for your business to display your stuff. Let people see your kinder, kind, and cheerful side and have some fun with your promotions. When January comes back again, your profits will be glad it did.
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