8 Ways To Use A Blog To Develop Content Yor Your Book
1. Enter the Blogosphere: Read and comment on other blogs in your field. This is a great way to generate readers for your blog. It's also a way to get new content for both your blog and book.
To check out other blogs in your niche: use www.blogsearch.google.com, www.technorati.com, or www.google.com. This is also a good way to get ideas. What are other people writing about in your field? What are the main challenges for people in your field? If you have competitors, check them out. They can go a long way to inspire you with content ideas, different inclinations, and perspectives. The old song comes to mind: "Anything you can do, I can do better".
2. Ask readers to comment on your blog. In fact, every time you post something, ask them a question. Then explain how to post a comment because your readers will likely need to be polite or at least encouraged to comment. ("Click the comment link in the footer of this post and leave your answers").
Sometimes readers will need privacy safeguards, in which case you can ask them to email you their questions or comments privately. Others aren't concerned about privacy because a blog isn't meant to be private after all. However, readers can be shy to comment and need encouragement.
You can also encourage them to respond by telling them that you would like to use their answers in your book, but you will only do so with their permission.
3. Examine your readers, do a mini-study on their preferences, experiences, etc. The internet is the fastest way to get some statistics on reader preferences. Far from being a scientifically validated study that would be approved in universities with academics, an informal survey can give you ideas and material to write about. You can also confirm that you are addressing your readers' concerns.
4. Run a contest to find the best idea, the funniest experience, the most influential or moving situation. If you want to use these reader responses for your book content, you need to let them know. Many people take the opportunity to be included in a book. Others may prefer to participate anonymously. You can give them both options. This is an example of how one writer asked his readers for their opinion:
Do you have a history of broken windows? Michael Levine's new book, Broken Windows, Broken Business will be released later this month. Many people believe this will be a great sales success.
We have created a website, where you can declaim broken windows in your daily experience ... Check out BrokenWindows.com.
People love to share their experiences, and they love to rant or rave. Just ask.
5. Ask your readers to participate in a teleseminar based on the needs, challenges, concepts, and ideas of your blog readers. This is a great way to delve into the problems and solutions you are writing about. You can record the sessions, transcribe the dialogue, convert the teleseminar into audio and PDF files. These can be sold or given away as marketing material for your book.
6. Use your blog meter stats to review the most popular articles posted. This information will guide you to delve into topics and subtopics that capture the interests of your readers.
7. Constantly reconnect with your passion and ignite and inspire others with similar interests. After blogging for a while, you will likely develop good blogging habits:
A. Write something on your blog every day or at least 2-3 times a week.
B. Read other blogs 2-3 times a week. Make sure you use My Yahoo or other RSS feed buttons to subscribe to your favorite blogs or subscribe to receive email updates via the FeedBlitz service on each blog.
C. Write with your readers in mind. And if you're not sure what their interests are, ask them. If they found your blog and signed up, chances are you share a lot in common. Q. If you ever fall into a blog block, reconnect to the main purpose of your blog (remember what you wrote before starting your blog?). When this happens, there is usually a reason, although it may not be clear to you at the time. This will happen. You can help by asking questions of your readers, yourself, your closest allies.
8. Podcasting Easily creates audio files by telecasting and recording. Some people like to get their sound information as well as they like by downloading mp3 files to their iPods.
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